man oh man, blogshop is almost here!
for those of you who don't know - angela kohler (photographer) and i are teaching a photoshop class for bloggers! you will learn things like how to make a layout like the one seen above and much much more!
the first one in May is sold out, and we've received many many inquiries about starting the class in other states and countries.(which excites these two travel lovers!) so we figured we would keep the ball rolling and do a second class in june IN LA! hooray!
i have started getting all the little goodies I designed for the students in the mail and it has made me so happy! the second class has some folks on the list already, so here is your chance to jump on board!
all you have to do is email angelakohler@me.com with the subject line: BLOGSHOP and she can send you details and hopefully put you on the list for the round two fun! please allow 48 hours for a response!
Any chance you can put a video tutorial or offer an online skype class or something to those of us who live all the way out in the midwest!? :)
Or, just come to Minneapolis! I'll buy the drinks :)
Everything is bigger (and better) in TEXAS ;p
NYC weekend class please! I would be all over it (plus 23950923829 other bloggers, I'm sure!!) :)
Hey Bri any news yet on the date of the second workshop???
I have the same Q as Sarah - would you offer an online skype class? This would be fabulous for us who can't travel!
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