18 September 2009


last night was one of those nights where you just cant sleep from thinking too much.
on this night inparticular i was thinking about what intimidates me, specifically to my job. although i dont like to show much weakness, everyone feels intimidated from time to time.

take yesterday for example, i had to do a flash ad at work. (my heart dropped)
i only know flash a littttttle bit, and as much as i want to learn, i either want to know it ALL or not really be a part of it (yet)...weird i know.

its just an obstacle i have been meaning to tackle...but im a tad nervous.

but i decided i was just going to overcome that weird feeling and try to figure it out. with some help, i did it. (hooooray)

but of course i dont know how to save a flash file into here, so i cant show it to you...haha

I found this on Design Studio 210, and it inspired me, so thank you! today, i will remember this:


and you should too :)

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