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kate moss balmain pants
B L O G G E R S / E V O L V I N Gso it is always fun to watch yourself evolve. take a look back and see how far you have come (hopefully). bloggers, go back to your very first post. LOOK HOW DIFFERENT IT IS! (well, mine sure is.
its funny because as much as you think you aren't changing, you are changing every single day. coming into your own. and this really applies to everyone. i look back at some of my "photoshop projects" from high school, and i really cant help but laugh and to fight the urge to throw them away. but thats where it all started. those horrible photoshop projects.
Look at your first post ever. How has your blog changed??
I know mine has become a lot more cohesive, it makes more sense. I have a flow now. And I understand the politics of blogging a lot better now....oh yeah, and i had no idea i was supposed to be crediting when i first started. (oops)....i was just posting millions of random photos, no explanation or reason. designlove fest has come quite a long way....
what about YOU?? yeah, you. i wanna hear about it.
B E A S T / P I E C E Sum....beast pieces just had me on their website drooling....
the letters pressed into the paper - god sent.
R O O M Yso my new roommate natalie moves in this weekend! yay...let the decorating extravaganza begin!! I have always loved new projects/new people/new energy.
B A T T L E / R A N C H E R O S so i'm addicted to huevos ranchos. ya ya...
I feel like a traitor right now, so I am going to proceed with caution on this post.BLU JAM CAFE, i love you dearly. you have provided me with years of satisfying huevos experiences, a birthday party venue unlike any other in jan 09, excellent waiters that are now my friends, and a killer coffee with a leaf design. Shout out to Kamil, you are the best.
(now, here is my secret....) i sometimes eat across the street at Vienna Cafe, and down the street on Beverly at Lulu's Cafe....both are just to die for. They all three have a cuteness factor, one of those meet your friends for mimosas in the morning kinda joints. They all have adorable little patios to sit and people watch. and they all have a pretty bombastic huevos's a toss up people....have you been to any of these GEMS? if not, go.
L U L A 9
"Mercedes Helnwein is a fine artist and novelist who was born in Austria, lived in Ireland, and wound up in Los Angeles in her late teens. When she got here, she fell into a career almost like one falls off a cliff." These are inspiring shots from Lula issue 9.
the colors drive me mad.
T I N Y / L I N E S
forming pretty pictures. man, i need to somehow inherit more patience.
T H E / O F F I C Eme and my bearded wilderness boyfriend at a hard day at work. ahh, office romance. and we even have our very own dwight. but we call him keith around these parts.arian is getting ready for his karaoke debut tonight at the farmers market. and i just cannot wait to see the performance. stay tuned to see what he chose...yes, me and arian sit next to each other. no, i do not get sick of him.
D E A R / C A R R I Eyou have my heart, you know that right? i can relate to you all too much sometimes. too bad you are a tv character, and not my friend. SJP? are you in the business of making new friends? oh yeah, I forgot, you are completely opposite of Carrie. oh well, ill just hang out with the gals on my couch even though i have seen them all.
H E L L O / N Y
so yes, i watched the city last night. (as my boyfriend watched me in disgust that i could watch such a thing) i just tell him its fashion research...
so i smiled as I watched that Roxy chick give Olivia the biggest attitude + put her in check. She needs to calm down on thinking she is god's gift to earth. however, i can't knock her style. same story, different day.
P R E T T Y / P R O J E C T a little project of mine. searching for some creativity, thats apparently hiding its face today. feel free to rekindle this romance anytime, creativity. ill be waiting, you know where to find me.
M Y / L O V E R Sdear helvetica: will you marry me?
G E T / A W A Ywho's comin with me??
B R I / S A Y S
J A K & J I L Lthese 09 phi creeper boots are something i dream about. and then i wake up and they aren't in my closet, and it ruins my morning. i guess i need to do something about that quickly. because mornings are important.