my friend Krissy sent me this article about our zodiac sign:
however, its not so pleasant. its about the dark side of aquarius (dun dun dun) here are some negative qualities, that i might not proudly go around shouting to the heavens, but they are oh so true...

Extreme Unconventionality
Aquarians are often thought of as being unique because they do not always adhere to social norms. It’s part of what makes the zodiac sign seen as humanitarians. However, this desire to look at things outside the box can come at a price. An Aquarius does not look at extreme unconventionality as a bad thing. What the rest of society deems as a borderline, the dark side of an Aquarius views as silly. They sometimes cannot see the proverbial line in the sand. They also will choose not to follow the rules or any type of protocol, often at the risks of others. This predisposition to extremes often will lead Aquarians to extreme viewpoints and decisions. As a result, it can sometimes be hard to have a conversation with an Aquarius about important issues because he or she will see your viewpoint as ‘safe.’
Egotistical (yikes)
Of all the signs in the zodiac, Aquarians have perhaps the biggest ego of all. Their interest in intellectual pursuits and their unique viewpoints on life makes Aquarians think that they are the most special people on Earth. Coupled with their creativity, Aquarians can sometimes think that they are God’s gift to the universe.
Bitter, Brash and Temperamental
Aquarians are often known for holding on to bad feelings. As they become resentful for having those bad feeling, they will often resent anyone who causes the bad feelings. Aquarians are quick to become bitter when things do not turn out their way.
They are also prone to being brash and speaking out of turn. Much like Aquarians do not like being constrained by rules, they do not like having to constrain their words. Their extroverted nature also causes them to say whatever they feel when they feel like saying it. Their timing is often off, to say the least.
Aquarians will also often change their mood. One minute they will be happy, the next they will seem upset. One minute they will be joking, the next minute offended. It can sometimes be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing temperament of an Aquarius.

i know... when Matt sent that to me I was like good god- people can't know these things about me.
Eek, I'm an Aquarius. Sad to say, I can relate to some of those things, too...where are the good qualities?!
Ah! I'm an Aquarius too. Mon dieu!
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