31 July 2010
F A R M E R S / M A R K E T
one of my favorite Saturday activities...the little Silverlake Farmers Market. We stocked up on veggies for the week and of course some sunflowers + roses. I am not much of a rose gal, but hey today I felt drawn to these pink beauties...

30 July 2010
I M / O U T
alright weekenders....its time to (drum roll please)...NOT WORK! and go meet my girls at World Cafe on Main Street for a much needed happy hour and gush-fest. Until Monday! xo
shout out to ma stylish gal:

photo/ streetfsn
shout out to ma stylish gal:
photo/ streetfsn
C O L O R E D / C A C T U S
a little layout i made using shots from this print-tastic Vogue Türkiye issue. we don't even need to discuss how uh-mazing the colors here are, they speak for themselves...

M / S Q U A R E D
I just can't help myself! (chants) MORE MAX & MARGAUX, MORE MAX & MARGAUX, MORE MAX & MARGAUX! Once Wed posted another M2 wedding video (done by the fab Sharkpig) that will make your heart melt all over the ground of your cubicle/house/apartment/car (ps oprah says dont text & drive)...enjoy, lovebirds!
so i'm a little strange. i have like 58 irrational fears. one of them, which is somewhat rational, is sharks. (dun dun dunnn)... I have no method to my madness either. I'm terrified of murderers & serial killers, so I think it's a good idea to watch Lockup:Raw and weird documentaries on Netflix about The 5 Biggest Serial Killers? Im petrified of sharks, so somehow watching Shark Week just seems to make sense? I guess so. Tune in, Shark Week starts Aug 1st. We can be scared together.
29 July 2010
this is the hair accessory i swear by. so when I saw it on Vanessa Jackman's blog, I smiled...this is an especially cute pattern/color combo!
<---look familiar :)

<---look familiar :)
H I P S T E R / H E A V E N
The Smog Shoppe wedding venue is literally an old smog shop that they transformed into a hip, + trendy space...but hey, trendy is trendy for a reason, right?
flickr, picotte photo
so, me and my boyfriend have movie issues sometimes. he likes fast, action packed, sometimes bloody, robot-y, lots of guns, spinning car chases that usually result in fire & cars jumping off cliffs. I, on the other hand enjoy...well...period films with beautiful clothes, a love story, great dialogue and some good lookin actors. So, sometimes the stars align and that awesome word "compromise" comes into play! (Arian knows how to persuade me in Blockbuster late at night...Me: "is that an action movie?" Arian: "yes, but babe, there is cool clothes and you love 1940s hairstyles!") Yes, in fact I do, so we agree on Public Enemies. Just the right amount of good lookin styling & hunky actors, while still having people get shot to satisfy Arian. How dreamy is Johnny! So persistent and confident in this movie...and Marion, always looking so chic and dazzling. oh yeah, and the story is cool too...
i fell asleep (as per usual) I think I have a disease where it is nearly impossible for me to stay awake for a movie if I start it past 10:01pm. I still need to finish it, and I can't wait.

shout out to Steinmoney...just because.
i fell asleep (as per usual) I think I have a disease where it is nearly impossible for me to stay awake for a movie if I start it past 10:01pm. I still need to finish it, and I can't wait.
shout out to Steinmoney...just because.
B O T T E G A / L O U I E
well, i am still full from dinner last night, but oh my was it good. i just love love love the vibe in this downtown hangout...super high ceilings, a loud, yet happy racket, everybody has a yummy looking drink, a smile and maybe even a colorful macaroon...it's quite grand in it's architecture, while still maintaining a super laid back vibe. (which is my kinda place). How can one object to all that space in there! Me and my bf split a arugula, ricotta and mozzarella pizza, portobello french fries & brussels sprouts. All three were cooked perfectly and tasted great, all that cheese was just heavenly. Oh and me and Kel cheers to some champagne, because we were feelin fancy. I loved their huge selection of wine, baked goods, pasta, olive oils...all things that make great gifts. Three words. I'm Goin Back.

28 July 2010
S I L E N T / B E A U T Y
i found all of these magnificent silent movie star vintage postcards! I love how it was completely normal to be so glamorous all the time back then!

2 P I C T U R E S
bambi gets shot in those to die for miu miu clogs by the Cobrasnake + A2 poster designed and illustrated by Binary & The Brain
27 July 2010
T Y P E / F A C E S
This "top trumps"-style card pack contains 20 of your favorite designers.
For each designer, a typeface was selected to match their overall vibe. Each card is individually designed to reflect this vibe, supported typographically with the selected typeface...Z O O M + S T R I P E
the concept of a zoomed in photograph on packaging never gets old if it is done right. & in the case of Gran Farina, it IS done just perfect.

and i also love colored striped, especially in orange and green.

Designed by Mangion & Lightfoot
and i also love colored striped, especially in orange and green.
Designed by Mangion & Lightfoot
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