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skype makes the days go by faster. 
i get a lot of real cute emails about The Fest.and i sure do love them all.even the weird ones.i might like the weird ones more, actually.anyways, i am starting a section called "ASK BRI"and I can answer some of the questions from the emails :)
Well, i am a research machine you could say. i look at about 500 websites everyday. I look for new artists, new photographers, new restaurants, new pictures of alexa chung. and along the way i get inspired about 65935729 times. i have about 20 folders full of photos, and remembering where i got all of the photos isn't always an easy task. but i believe credit should be given, where credit is deserved, so i try try try. i try to keep DESIGNLOVEFEST different from the rest. although some of the content may be the same, i try to add extra flair to photos, mix and match photos, and keep it fresh yo.