09 February 2010

P I T Y P A R T Y 0 2

i am going to take this time to feel totally sorry for myself. so beware.

so i am not the best with change. i hate when friendships change, relationships change, jobs change (even when its way for the better), even when i move i feel all weird. i know this is probably how 90% of the world feels, but for some reason I feel like it is only me. i like the stability, i like comfort, i like knowing that i am going to brunch at Blu Jam on saturday mornings with my girlfriends, and I like having movie night on sunday with my boyfriend. these things make my hectic brain feel just a tad less hectic. and that is always a good thing.

so as most of you know, i left my job 2 weeks ago, because I just couldn't feel Stuck for one more minute in a job that i didnt feel like was taking me anywhere. (like seriously, dead end of knowledge town) i wanted to be challenged, i wanted to learn, i just needed something NEW. "but bri, you just said you hated change, this makes no sense?" yes, yes I know, and it hasnt been easy. but my life deserves to be hectic for a while. at this point i am doing freelance. and last week has been great, lots of opportunities and new projects, meeting new people. but i felt my life start to hit a wall where i just didnt feel ready for all of this instability. and on top of all of this, arian is gone and my sheets are freezing! turns out, i just needed sleep, which i was getting none of. i have literally been a walking zombie with knots in my hair. so today, i finally got to sleep in till noon, yes, NOON. i woke up listening to the rain in my dark room with 3 blankets on and laughed at my stupid alarm clock as i turned it off, and i might have even whispered to myself, "yesssssssssssss."

today, i will work at my own leisure on a few projects while i listen to throwback mariah carey songs with my roommate and listen to more rain. (rain is GREAT when you are inside, not so much driving) today might just be the best day of the year so far. i feel like i can breath and think, finally. now, if i could just get that boyfriend out of china and back home with me, all will be great.

ok, this marks the end of my pity party.

here is what i looked like last week & the week before that. its been a slow crumble.
(thanks jen, for the funny pics, they really help my story come to life)

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1 comment:

jen gotch said...

judging by these pictures you look pretty drunk to me.