13 November 2009

B E S T / B U Y

me and my lover, who is obsessed with technology and thinks he is p.diddy when it comes to purchasing sub woofers, new cameras and whatever else cute nerdy boys buy. its okay, i love cute nerdy boys, especially him.

anways, we went to best buy last night. and its always a little surreal to see a package you designed...ON THE SHELVES at a major store like Apple or Best Buy. I still get a little giddy when I see it.

oh and i drew ears on me. because i can.

Follow d e s i g n . l o v e . f e s t


S and O said...

way to go!!!!
by the by that pic is so cute, love the bunny ears:)

thevamoose said...

ahhh that must be the best feeling!
and my lover is a nerdy boy also ;)