10 September 2009

C I R C L E / S C A R F


ok this may sound dramatic, but i believe that my circle scarf from American Apparel is sometimes my very best friend. Seriously, you can make like 50 things out of it (although I stick to 2 or 3) and I like anything I can do 50 things with. and i am already wearing it even though its hot outside, I am for some reason just anxiously awaiting scarf season.

Follow d e s i g n . l o v e . f e s t


Jen of MadeByGirl said...

I am TOTALLY with you...I want to wear my scarves & my boots - can't wait for Fall... :)

Jen Ramos

alice said...
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la flore et la faune said...

"make like 50 things out of it"

sounds like a scarfasutra ;)